The Principles of Needle treatment are so excellent, refined and complicated that in the whole world nothing more excellent exists.
Acupuncture crafts are based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM). Which dates back from 4000 B.C. The theory is developed over ages, but the core of the theory is builded upon the concept of Qi ( Energy), yin-yang philosophy and the theory of the five elements. Qi flows through well defined meridians ( channels) in the body. Needles are used to unblock and preserve the free flow of Qi throughout the body. The yin-yang philosophy states that the ultimate reality is complementary, paradoxical and relative in nature. The five element theory places humans in a cosmological perspective. The five elements ( wood, fire, earth, metal, water) stand symbolic for five similarities (resonance entities) in the universe.
Diagnosis is made by inspection (listening, seeing, feeling, smelling), pulse and tongue. This combined with the five elements theory and the organs( zang-fu). meridians.
Length range: 13mm-75mm
Diameter range: 0,12mm-0,40mm