Several theories are used to explain the actions of Electroacupuncture (EA). For scientific aims needling concepts doesn’t like to mingle different theories or paradigms. In the field of EA though this can be allowed. Practioners tend to selct points according the theory of TCM/Acupuncture and seek explanations in Western biomedical or neurophysiological theories.
One of these explanatory models:
1. Endorfines theory according to Han
Studies on the mechanisms of action have revealed that endogenous opioid peptides in the central nervous system play an essential role in mediating the analgesic effect of EA. Further studies have shown that different kinds of neuropeptides are released by EA with different frequencies. For example, EA of 2 Hz accelerates the release of enkephalin, β-endorphin and endomorphin, while that of 100 Hz selectively increases the release of dynorphin. A combination of the two frequencies produces a simultaneous release of all four opioid peptides, resulting in a maximal therapeutic effect. This finding has been verified in clinical studies in patients with various kinds of chronic pain including low back pain and diabetic neuropathic pain.
Han JS, Acupuncture and Endorphins. Neuroscience letter, 2
EA involves the application of electrical pulses of varying frequency and intensity from an electrical device through wires to the inserted needles. It produces a stronger stimulation then the mere insertion of needles. Moreover it allows the electrical stimulation to be adjusted to what is required for specific conditions.
NeedlesLength range: 25-40mm
Diameter range: 0,25-0,30mm